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How should old people protect their teeth?

The elderly will be aging with the passage of time, so will teeth. So, what should the elderly do to protect their teeth? Let's have a look!
With the increase of age, our teeth will appear loose, fall off and other aging performance. Relevant experts point out that some bad tooth habits in daily life can lead to tooth aging, such as chewing food with one side teeth or biting thread with teeth. What other behaviors can lead to premature tooth aging?
1. Bite thread with teeth and tear package
Some people use their teeth to tear the package, bite the thread and even open the bottle cap for convenience. Although the teeth are the hardest part of the human body, but also can not stand such a toss, these practices are easy to make teeth bite or displacement.
2. Gnawing bones and corn
Some people find that when they gnaw on a bone, the upper and lower rows of teeth are most aligned. Therefore, Japanese research shows that gnawing bones can keep teeth neat. In fact, recent studies have shown that there are some longitudinal development grooves and fusion lines in the teeth. When gnawing bone and corn, the teeth are easy to crack from these weak parts, leading to tooth fracture. If you really want to chew, the bones and corn still need to be cooked.
3. Drink ice water after eating hot food
Supercooling and overheating can stimulate the gums, making the teeth cracked. If you chew a few more pieces of ice, you will wear your teeth and even break them. So the food should not be too hot or too cold. In addition, if the tooth is severely cracked, it should be removed. Otherwise, bacteria are easy to enter the pulp cavity, leading to pulpitis, ulcer pus, etc.
4. The plug was not removed in time
If the residual food in the teeth is not removed in time, but continue to eat, it will damage the gums, gingival atrophy, abscess, bad breath, and eventually cause teeth to loose, or even fall off. The plug must be removed in time.
5. Always eat on one side
Mastication with one side of the tooth can lead to imbalance of muscle, joint and jaw development, excessive wear of one side of the tooth and dysfunction of jaw joint, while the other side is disuse degradation. Some people chew laterally because one side of the tooth has a disease, so the tooth discomfort should be treated in time.
So, how should the elderly protect their teeth?
1. Usually choose fluoride toothpaste and eat more food with high fluoride content.
In order to improve the defense ability of teeth against dental caries.
2. Regular oral examination.
General half a year at least once a year, regular tooth washing, do not randomly extraction.
3. Repair the missing teeth in time.
If not repaired, it will not only reduce masticatory ability, affect digestion and nutrient absorption, but also accelerate the loosening and shedding of adjacent teeth. According to the specific situation, timely inlay teeth or artificial implant teeth, porcelain teeth, etc.
If you have dental disease, you should treat it in time.
5. Pay attention to the reasonable use and exercise of teeth.
When eating, you should chew fully and eat as much food rich in fiber as possible, because chewing can stimulate saliva secretion, clean teeth and massage gums, and promote blood circulation of gums. Do not bite hard things, such as wine bottle caps, walnut skin, etc. 6. Pay attention to comprehensive nutrition, and eat more food containing calcium, phosphorus and various trace elements.
Eat more bean products, milk, onion, radish, shrimp, leeks, fish, etc., eat less sugary and sticky food, such as soft candy, cakes, biscuits, etc. Because the formation of caries cavity is mainly caused by the decalcification of teeth by bacteria using sugar metabolite acid.
7. Get rid of bad habits.
Such as smoking, drinking, often picking teeth with sharp hard things and so on, which have great damage to teeth, should be changed as soon as possible.
Insist on brushing teeth in the morning and evening, gargle after meals.