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Common problems in children's Stomatology

1. When and how to start daily oral health care for infants?

Oral cleaning for infants and young children can be started before the eruption of the first deciduous tooth. The way is that parents gently wipe and massage their children's gums and teeth with gauze and water.

2. When does the child first look at a tooth? How often should I see a dentist?
It is generally recommended that children have their first oral examination when their first tooth grows, that is, about 6 months old, or before 12 months old. The first oral examination is also the beginning for children to get familiar with the dental environment and medical workers. A pleasant experience can avoid or reduce the fear of dental treatment in the future. It is generally recommended that children have oral examination every 3-6 months, and children with frequent dental caries should shorten the examination interval.
3. When did you start using toothbrush and toothpaste?
Starting from the first tooth, you can choose a toothbrush with soft hair and small head to clean your child's teeth, but you don't need to use toothpaste. Because the child is young, it is easy to swallow toothpaste by mistake. Around the age of 3, you can start using fluoride toothpaste for your child, the size of a pea.
4. Can children floss?
sure. The incidence of dental caries on the adjacent surfaces of children after 3 years old increased significantly. The correct use of dental floss can effectively reduce the incidence of dental caries on the adjacent surfaces.
5. What problems should diet pay attention to in order to effectively prevent dental caries?
Sucrose is an important pathogenic factor of dental caries, so we should strictly control the sweets containing sucrose in children's diet, especially the frequency of sweets intake; For infants, we should try to reduce night feeding and avoid sleeping with bottles.
6. What are the current methods to prevent dental caries?
The most effective way to prevent dental caries is correct brushing and flossing. In addition, good eating habits, reducing the intake of sweets and intake frequency are the basis of maintaining tooth health; Fluoride, fluoride mouthwash and pit and fissure sealing are also effective methods to prevent dental caries.
7. Is pit and fissure sealing necessary?
A large number of studies have shown that pit and fissure sealing can effectively reduce the incidence of dental caries. Most of the molars in permanent teeth have deep and narrow pits and grooves when they just erupt, which is difficult to clean and easy to suffer from dental caries. Molars are the main component of chewing function in human oral cavity, and untreated dental caries often lead to serious problems. Therefore, we should go to the Department of stomatology of children immediately after eruption, and the specialist should judge whether it is necessary to seal the pits and grooves. If necessary, the first permanent molar is usually 6-8 years old and the second permanent molar is 11-13 years old. Deciduous teeth generally do not carry out pit and fissure sealing, but if the child's caries risk is high, the doctor will also carry out pit and fissure sealing on deciduous molars according to the situation.
8. Some people say that the deciduous teeth will eventually be replaced, and the treatment is meaningless?
This is not true. Although deciduous teeth will eventually be replaced, the function of deciduous teeth will be affected by dental caries, such as chewing, pronunciation and beauty. In serious cases, it may even affect the development and eruption of succeeding permanent teeth, and eventually lead to the abnormality of permanent dentition. Therefore, the caries of deciduous teeth should be treated in time.
9. What does the treatment method of deciduous tooth disease have?
Dental caries can be filled in one time; Root canal therapy, commonly known as "nerve killing", may be needed for teeth with deep caries and nerve involvement. Generally, the treatment can be completed 2-3 times; In general, there is no need for early treatment for primary dentition, but the so-called "Di Bao Tian" often recommends early treatment, and 3-4 years old is the right time for correction.
10. What oral problems should children pay attention to at different stages?
① After the eruption of deciduous anterior teeth, we should pay attention to prevent bottle caries caused by night feeding and sleeping with bottle; ② After eruption of deciduous molars, the first is to prevent the occurrence of dental caries on the occlusal surface, and the second is the occurrence of adjacent dental caries; ③ The period of replacement of deciduous teeth with permanent teeth (6-12 years old) is the key period of children's oral and maxillofacial system development. The following problems should be paid attention to: first, the upper anterior teeth are vulnerable to trauma, and should be treated in time after injury; Second, the protection and regular inspection of "six age teeth"; In addition, during this period prone to occlusal disorders, should pay attention to timely consultation and treatment.
11. What should children do after tooth injury?
The development of the inherited permanent teeth may be affected by the displacement or pulp necrosis infection of the injured deciduous teeth, so it is necessary to see a doctor in time; Young permanent teeth, usually maxillary central incisors, are prone to pulp necrosis after injury, which affects the continuous development of root. As for the occurrence of tooth dislocation out of the mouth, the teeth should be stored in milk, normal saline or saliva, timely to the specialist hospital, the shorter the interval, the better the prognosis of the injured teeth.